Monday, December 21, 2009

Here it goes...

I must start off by saying that I would not place myself in either of the aforementioned categories of Saint or Sinner, but nonetheless seem to possess the vices of both. Whether I am a product of my environment, or was just born with major character flaws, I have found that as I have grown up, my morals have only been further compromised, my beliefs deeply questioned, and goals morphed and in some cases forgotten. I find myself as many other twenty somethings do, wondering what the fuck I am doing with my life. BUT dont get me wrong, I have the best time. My family and friends have saved my life time and time again, stories to which many a people can relate and I will divulge in bits over time. I have a great time and tend to be that person getting lots of the laughs, usually me getting laughed at I would say. I love to overindulge, be it drinking, working out, and without making this sound too much like a personal ad, having sex. But on a much more intellectual level, I am fascinated with classical cultures, anthropology, and learning anything and everything I can. Im very much a sponge; tell me something once and I will never forget it.

I hope that in writing this blog, I can kindof tell my stories, get advice from others, and have a reason to write down my ideas and aims in a forum that forces me to constantly remember they exist. So this is my journey, from South Jersey, to Siena, Italy, to Siracusa, Sicily, with a bit of DC along the way. Il mio viaggio to try and find the person I am supposed to be, somewhere between Saint and Sinner, with all the friends, family, food, fashion, learning, love, and lust along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Truly an elegant and genuine blog! You wrestle with real life issues and tug at the strands of vulnerability that are in all of us! The places you have been (and are going), the people and cultures you immerse yourself in, are all the makings of a wonderful tale. I look forward to reading!

